Tuesday, July 29, 2008

TAG - I'M IT!!!

Okay...I've been TAGGED by my BFF Starr LaPradd @ Thresholds !!!!!
I've read some of the other blogs and what they've written about themselves...let me tell ya...some of them things I could've gone my WHOLE life without knowing...LOL!!
Not really.....but I am honored to have been TAGGED....So here we go!!!!
(P.S. - I do LOVE these things!!!)

These are the rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading)
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below)
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them (This is only a game)
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Here are the six VERY random things about me, myself and I:

1) - I absolutely, positively, love to hang with my hubby & kids!! Nothing comes close to time spent with them laughing, smiling, loving, and simply enjoying each other. Times moves too quickly to overlook precious moments in the lives of those you love! Nothing comes before my family expect the Father!!
2) - I LUV music!! I love to sing, shout, play it loud, dance around all crazy with my kids (who laugh 'til they pee their pants when they see MY version of the "Running Man"). We try to spend a little time everyday worshipping together. We give God the glory for our amazing dancing & singing abilities.....or at least WE think we're amazing!!
3) - God rescued me from death following the birth of my second daughter. I spent 2 1/2 weeks in a hospital without my six-week-old daughter, my 3-yr-old daughter, or my husband (our son was living with his biological mother at the time). Our immediate families and our wonderful church family helped us through this time by keeping our beautiful princesses for us so Mike could continue to work (otherwise no income!). Through my time there, God used my circumstances to draw me into the most intimate relationship with Him I have ever had! It was a miracle to be alive! He used me to leave the Drs in awe and prove that HE REIGNS OVER DEATH!!
4) - I ADORE FOOD! There isn't too much I won't eat. I love to cook & bake and I get inspired sometimes to cook up my own creations! I usually just tweak other peoples recipes, but it most always turns out scrumptious! There's just something about your kids telling you how "Good it is Mommy!!"
5) - I have a passion for teaching about Jesus. Over the past 3 years, God has confirmed over and over that I am to speak when He leads me. He continues to open doors for me and allow me to share His word with others. I am currently working on a message for our Women's Retreat in September...Oh, this is also my heritage from my mother & father..who are also teachers of the word!
6) - I don't think there is anything better than a full-blown belly-shaking laugh! Laughter doeth good like a medicine....I love a good laugh-'til-ya'-cry story! I also love to make others laugh as well. That sound is just music to my ears!

Okay...I don't think I have 6 people left to tag...but I'll tag those I can..

1 - My friend Mindy whom I met @ She Speaks 2008 and I simply adore @
The Pitchford Crew
2 - My friend Luanne, whom I also met @ She Speaks 2008 and I adore as well @
God Spots or First Tea @ Five
3 - My lovely mentor and new great friend Van Walton, a Proverbs 31 speaker and the director of their Hispanic Ministries @ Van Walton

Unfortunately, I don't have the blog sites for any of the other Pals I made @ She Speaks...and the other friends I link too have already been TAGGED by each other...so to my new TAGGED friends, please keep it going ...I'm sure you have more friends than I do OBVIOUSLY!! LOL!
Check out my pal Natalie's Tagged List @ Koinonia Community

Have fun blog-surfing! Give these gals a day or two to write their random six things, but don't forget to check them out.Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Vacation...The Right Focus

Well, it's GOOD to be BACK!!!
What a great vacation we had...we are still recuperating from so much relaxin' ...

Because I had to work last Saturday, we were unable to leave Lexington until around 5:00 PM. This meant we would arrive on Oak Island somewhere in the neighborhood of 9:00 PM...which we did. We had a wonderful safe drive down considering we were chauffeuring a 4-yr-old and a 6-yr-old! (Thank heavens for car DVDs!) Who cried "Daddy, I gotta peeeee..." (emphasis on "E") about 300 times...and NEVER in sync!!

When we arrived to the house we were greeted by smiling faces of nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, and of course...our handsome son who had ridden down earlier that down with my parents and nephew. (Grandparents take turns letting grandchildren ride with them...it's an honor...for sure)

On Sunday morning the entire family gathered in the living room to have fellowship in & with God. We sang praises...letting each child pick a song they would like us to sing. My father then shared a wonderful message from the Lord about understanding our earthly responsibilities in relation to our "own houses". It was great and definitely needed to be heard. Then, we headed for the sunshine, shoreline, and waves...

I couldn't think of a better way to start a vacation...praising the Lord, hearing his words for us, and then enjoying his creation....

The week wasn't without it's challenges...but our hearts and attitudes were absolutely focused on the Father right from the start! How awesome!

I love my family vacations...they are Priceless!!!

I'll share more about the week later....got to catch up on my 40 winks!!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Warm Breezes & SONshine

Vacation time has come again! It's a once-a-summer tradition for my family. I can remember trips to the beach when I was just a small sprite (well, maybe just younger). We packed up whatever vehicle we currently owned and headed down the road for a beach adventure!

We continue that tradition with our own children, now. Both of my sisters & their broods, along with my Mom & Dad, travel to Oak Island, NC for a week spent sunning it oceanfront! We have such blast!

I am especially looking forward to this year since most of our children are out of the "baby" stage. Let's see, 14, 13, 11, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2-2 yrs old twins with a motley of adult ages from 34 to 60! Now that's a house full of ......challenges!!

All joking aside, we always have a wonderful time. It certainly helps that Jesus is the focal point of these families! Each of these families, well, MY family loves Jesus and serves Him openly with their gifts! What a wonderful way to spend time with your family....

Sunshine....Warm Breezes.....and Jesus!

Until I return to post my latest "Divine Appointment"....

Love & Hugs,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Than The Twenty-First Time

Tonight was a strange night...by my normal standards anyway.

After leaving our local church, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few needed items. Nothing is better than spending time in the word with God and praising His name for 1/2 an hour, than following it with a huge bowl of ice cream...it has become a delightful routine for my family. (God bless Ben & Jerry...Amen)

As I entered the sidewalk that leads to the entrance, a small meek voice called out "Ma'am, excuse me Ma'am." I turned to find a young woman sitting on the outside bench. Her appearance was unkempt, but clean. Her face was warm yet aged beyond her young years. But her eyes...her eyes were filled with pain and rejection. You could see the deep crevasses of worry that had already laid claim to her forehead. My heart ached.

I asked her what I could do for her this evening and she told me her story of displacement and how her father had lost his leg due to illness. She then asked me for $3 to buy something to eat. She requested a pack of bologna and a loaf of bread that they might have a meal. I explained that I didn't have any cash-on-hand, but I would see what I could do while I was inside. Gave a smile and entered the store.

Now I am in quite a delima here...see, I understand that God sometimes uses our own "created" circumstances to bring us to a place of submission or repentance or ultimately salvation. So when I am faced with a question of emotion vs. WWJD?, I simply have but one choice. Pray and ask for guidance on the matter. So I shopped and I prayed.

My "mind" continued back to the fact that the girl did not appear to be anywhere near starvation and neither did her father. (The flesh is always so skeptical and judgemental) And at that moment, a song rose up in my mind. The chorus rushed through my brain and before I could catch myself, I was singing it...out loud...in the grocery store check-out line! Imagine the shock of those who were around me when I burst into song! Thank goodness God blessed me with the ability to carry a tune!

When I looked down in my basket and saw the extra items I had gathered for the young girl and her father, I knew in my heart God was pleased.

I paid for the items in my buggy and headed for the exit doors. My heart was thumping and I was so excited. I couldn't wait to tell her that Jesus loved her and had blessed her this evening. I strained to get a glimpse of her as I exited the store...she was waiting on me. I approached and gave her the bag of items. "Thank you," she said. Her voice was so humble and meek. It was soft and sweet. "You are very welcome," I replied. "Sweetheart, do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?" I asked, with a broad smile on my face and a loving hand on hers. "Yes, Ma'am." She replied. I squeezed a little tighter,"Then will you put your faith and trust in him to see you through this?" She could not hold back the tears, "Yes Ma'am, I will." And with that she got up off the bench and walked to where her father was waiting.

Wow...another Divine Appointment....Lord Jesus, you are AWESOME!!!

And if you give yourself to the hungry
And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
Then your light will rise in darkness
And your gloom will become like midday.
Isaiah 58:10

Here is the song that invaded my being! Check out the words...they are terrific! My fave verse is the last one....Love & Hugs.....

"The Twenty-First Time" by Monk and Neagle::
Nowhere to live,
Nowhere to fall
He used to have money, but he's wasted it all
His blanket's an old coat he’s had since the war
He stands on the corner of Carter and Vine
But I pretend not to see him for the twenty-first time

He may be a drifter, he’s grown old and gray
But what if he’s Jesus and I walk away?
I say I’m the body and drink of the wine
but I pretend not to see him for the twenty-first time

She’s twenty-nine but she feels forty-eight
She can’t raise three kids on minimum wage
She’s cryin’ in back of the welfare line
but I pretend not to see her for the twenty-first time

She may be a stranger tryin’ to get through the day
but what if it’s Jesus and I walk away?
I say I’m the body and drink of the wine
but I pretend not to see her for the twenty-first time

This is a call for a change in my heart
I realize that I’ve not been doin’ my part
when I needed a Savior, I found it in Him
He gave to me, now I’ll give back to them

Drifter or stranger, father or son
I’ll look for Jesus in every one
’cause I am the body and drink of the wine and
I’m thankful there’s more than the twenty-first time.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Today was....GREAT!

After a lazy-daisy morning, I fed the kids and headed out to spend some time with my terrific Mother. I don't get an opportunity to talk with her very often...well...only in spurts in between hollers of "Momma, make her stop!" and "Girls, get out of Bubba's stuff!" Not too much of a conversation, huh?

Mom watches my sister Stacie's kiddos on Mondays so she can go into the office and work. Stacie is fortunate and works from an office in her home on most other days. Anyhoo - My girls absolutely LOVE to go and play with their cousins! It led to the perfect opportunity to spend time with Mother...having a little conversation time.

When an hour or so had come and gone, I decided it was time to continue on my day....the grocery store! Oh, yes - tackling the MONSTER chore! Mother was kind enough to suggest that at least one of my kids stay and play...the others couldn't refuse a burger from McDonald's...and off we went..

While in McDonald's enjoying a quick bite (although it blows my WW points!) I was thinking to myself....Self, I wonder what God's purpose is for you today in this McDonald's? Wouldn't it be great to get an opportunity to witness or share a nice thought - or maybe a soldier will come in and I'll buy his/her lunch or something and say "God blessed you today!"

As we finished up our lunch/snack, I still had not heard God say "There's the one!" I sighed and cleared our table and hurried my children to the front door. Already beginning the MONSTER list go over in my head, I glanced at the counter and there stood a lovely friend from my home church! Now this McDonald's is kinda' out-of-the-way for both of us. She lives in the city area of my town and I live on the edge of the county...Not a very likely meeting place.

It was so wonderful to see her and her lovely daughters. Her new baby has grown beautifully and I just love the chubby cheeks and red hair - A-dor-a-ble! We spent the next little bit catching up and talking on things of change and about what the Lord was doing in both of our lives! It was so great to see her and spend some time talking! We made an agreement to not go without seeing each other before the month ends and I can't wait! She is just one of the those persons you love to be around again and again and again!

I left that McDonald's thanking God for allowing me a moment to "refresh" with my friend! How awesome that my "divine appointment" today was with someone I love and cherish! Encouragement for the body is so important! I hope everyone knows someone who is gifted with encouragement and I pray that person feels the call from God to encourage others in the body...I have received it and I freely give it as often as God gives me opportunities!

I encourage you to ask God everyday for a "Divine Appointment" and then ACT on it when he answers you. Be faithful and bold when he gives you immediate direction. I assure you he has already given you the right words and equipped you with the proper approach. Let God lead it and you may just be surprised to find out what he can do when you LET HIM DO IT!

Well, off to spend some time with my "Alphabet Riddler" a.k.a my man!
Love and hugs - Dana

Friday, July 11, 2008

Me From A to Z

I saw this on Micca Campbell's blog and thought it was too cute to pass up! Go to my comments and leave your link to your blog and join us in the F-U-N! http://www.miccacampbell.com/

Me From A to Z

A is for Age
I am 37 yrs old
B is for Burger of choice
I love anything Chef Mikey grills in our backyard
C is for Kind of car you drive
Dodge Grand Caravan Sport - silver
D is for dog's name
We don't currently have any pets (other than kids....do they count?)
E is for Essential everyday item you can't live without
It absolutely-positively has to be morning hugs & kisses from my girls!
F is for Favorite TV show at the moment
Well, it's a toss-up...I LOVE to watch Vermonators on Discovery Channel and Jon & Kate plus 8 on TLC (those kids are soooo darling - I pray for that family every time I watch the show)
G is for Your Favorite Game
I love to play SEQUENCE - it's so much fun.
H is for your hometown
Lexington, NC
I is for Instrument you play
I play a variety of musical instruments: piano, xylophone, drums, clarinet, flute, cymbals...and let's not forget my favorite instrument to play....MY RADIO
J is for your favorite Juice
I am a fan of anything tropical...Strawberry Mango or PineOrangeBanana
K is for who you'd like to Kiss
Hands down...My Hubby!!
L is for last restaurant you ate in
Taco Bell
M is for your favorite Muppet
It's always been AN_I_MAL from Jim Henson's Muppet Movies
N is for the Number of piercings you have
I have my ears pierced...once in each ear (when I was younger I had three holes in each ear)
O is for Overnight hospital stays
Well, unfortunately, mine reads like a medical chart: Gallbladder surgery @ 20; C-Section #1 in 2001; C-Section #2 in 2004; 2 week stay due to Staph infection following C-Section #2; Bailie's tonsil's out in 2006 - that 'bout covers it for me
P is for People you were with today
Co-workers, Mother, Husband, & Kids
Q is for what you do with your Quiet time
WHAT"S That???? I'm a homeschooling Mom of three...quiet doesn't exist for me!
R is for your biggest regret
I guess it would be thinking I could survive on my own @ 17 and choosing to leave the safety and security of my Parent's house....and choosing the world over all I had been taught from God's word my entire life -
S is for Status
Married. To the Man of my dreams.
T is for the Time you awoke today
6:00 am
U is for what you consider unique
The fact that no matter how prepared you THINK you are to be a parent of a teenager....you WERE ignorant beyond belief!!!
V is for your favorite Vegetable
I love almost any vegetable - especially fresh garden vegetables!
W is for your Worst habit
laziness...by far
X is for number of X-rays
I'm not sure I ever counted them...but you can always refer to *O*!
Y is for Yummy food you ate today
I had that new Queso Crunchwrap from Taco Bell - it is definitely SINFULLY DELICIOUS!
Z is for Zodiac Sign
I am a Libra - balancing is my thang! I do like "peace" in all things - but only because the LORD requires it and makes it a lovely way to exist...I DON'T DO HOROSCOPES!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

When A Man Loves A Woman....

After completing the morning "kid tasks", I prepared myself to enter my quiet-alone space.....MY SHOWER. Yes, it has become my prayer closet, my ranting station, my conversation place, my place-to-praise, and ultimately my 15-20 minutes of P_E_A_C_E.

As I rushed around "securing" the house from my three-year-old, I couldn't wait to hit the shower and turn it on full blast! Oh how I longed to drown out the sound of Dora the Explorer or was it Wonder Pets??? I'm not sure....it is unimportant to me at this particular point of my dash to the shower.

Finally.... I reach the door that leads to the shower of solitude....my little piece of heaven....Oh, thank you Lord Jesus for showers and please keep my children safe from harm should I decide to stay here until the water is so frigid and cold I think I'm vacationing in Alaska! (Which is a destination I hope to reach before going home...) Okay... water temp - check; robe - check; my "special" shower gel and hair care products (which I hide from the three-year-old) - check! I grab a couple towels and throw them within arms reach on my counter top and yank back the shower curtain....

AAAHHHH....success! The water washes over me and brings such a feeling of relief! I love to close my eyes and stand under the magnificent gushing droplets and imagine it's raining on my head...I know....weirdo!!

As I open my eyes to look around for my "special stash" of shower goodies.....I notice a bunch of letters neatly arranged along the top edge of my shower....

Let me explain: The bathtub is also a haven for my girls. They love to indulge in bubble baths and make believe they are mermaids or pirates (depends on what they've watched that day). In that bucket-0-bathtoys, there is a set of Bathtub Alphabet Letters...you may seen them before. It's just your basic alphabet letters made to adhere to your shower walls. I have used them for "Fun" learning in the tub or shower since my oldest daughter was a baby.

So...imagine my surprise to find a group of them arranged in a message around the top edge of my shower.... This is what is read:
It took me a moment to realize...it was a love note from my darling husband.... I can hear you....aawwww! He had positioned it in the one place he knew I would take the time to cherish it...my place of solitude... I immediately gushed with emotion! See, my man is just learning how to be romantic. He's not so good with love letters, surprise gifts, poems, or things of that nature. He is excellent at telling me with every other breath how much he loves and cherishes me. He always hold my hand when we are driving down the road. He always snuggles before dozing off to sleep each night and I know he prays for me everyday!

I could go on FOREVER singing his praises and commenting on his outward displays of love for me....I know though...this love is not a love concocted by Mikey
This love flows through him and out for me to see because he loves Jesus best. This I know for sure...no man could love his woman like Mikey loves me....on his own!
"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God for God is love. So beloved, let us love one another." 1 John 4: 7-8

Monday, July 7, 2008

Semper Fi

Monday a week ago, my husband and I, along with my parents and our two daughters, witnessed a wonderful event. Our 13 year old son, Ryan, graduated from Boot Camp with his fellow Young Marines of Davidson County. They are the first of their kind in this area. Although Young Marines has been around since the 1940's, it is relatively new to this and surrounding areas in NC. Each "new" recruit must complete 10 weeks of "basic" training to advance to the level of Private. It takes weeks of hard work and dedication to achieve this end result and I am please to say that our son did so with honors. He received ribbons (decorations) for completing several training levels and maintaining an "A" average in school all year. We simply beamed! Like parents of a "new" baby or something. I actually had to give my husband the tissues I had brought for myself...he is such a softie! I am also thankful that Ryan's grandparents were able to attend as well. They have 13 grandchildren and they make each one feel so special and loved on an individual basis that we as parents fail to achieve! I thank God for my loving parents and their never-failing love for all their grandchildren! And yes...they were beaming too!! (See pic above!)
On the way home from our event, my husband, still teary eyed, reminded our son of an incident that had happened when he was just a little feller of 6 or so...
We had gone to a local parade, Memorial Day or Thanksgiving, I'm not sure which. And of course during the parade the Shriner's and Veterans made their appearance with their funny cars and expensive cars and old time cars...Ryan was completely absorbed. He loved the fire trucks at the end and the police cars that blew on their sirens and blew out our covered-over ears! He was so very excited and everything was so wonderful. He truly was a kid-in-a-candy-store! During the car ride home, we discussed all that had happened and all we had seen. As Ryan munched on the candies that we so thoughtfully tossed into the street, he made a startling revelation.."I want to be a veterinarian...so I can ride a funny car in parades too!" Mike and I could not contain our laughter. Restraint was a word we searched for...but it eluded us...for what seemed forever we continued to wipe the tears from our eyes as we giggled and repeated his words and giggled some more. "Did you mean to say Veteran, Ryan?" his father asked. Giggles could then be heard from our back seat..."Oh, yeah..." he managed between bursts of laughter! "Just how do you become a Veteran, daddy?" he asked. "Well, you must serve in the military and I am pretty sure you must do a tour-of-duty in a war or fight of some type." Ryan sighed, "Oh."
But last Monday night was better than any parade he could have rode in! He stood so nice and tall. He looked so manly and grown-up. What an accomplishment...and he had done it on-his-own...with only support from his father and me. He was beaming and yes, we did see just a little pride creep into his eyes, but not the kind that says "I am the best"...but just an ever so slight twinkle that said..."I knew I could do it."
And to top it all off, when we finally got home that evening, Ryan told us that he had asked God to help him each week and he had prayed for his leaders and fellow recruits to achieve their goals! He totally gave God the glory for his rewards!
Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that dilligently seek him..

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Independence Day...

A day of freedom from oppression and torment

It was worth dying....for some

Many great stories are told of the battles it took for this county to gain what it desire more than life itself....FREEDOM!
...freedom to worship God...the one true God, creator of heaven and earth.

Some things to ponder about FREEDOM:

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. (Psalm 119:45)

...that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (Romans 8:21)

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
(2 Corinthians 3:17)

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature ; rather, serve one another in love. (Galatians 5:13)

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
(Ephesians 3:12)

But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:25)

It is still worth dying for....to ONE!

Blessings on you all; Love God and love others like God loves you!!